Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentine's Day

David was quite the crafter for Valentine's Day this year - he made this mug himself at the Artist Within in Muncie. I think he still likes abstract. :-)

He had a great party at Janelle's with his friends. There was a healthy sack of candy and valentines that he brought home. We also did a first on Saturday and went to the movie theater. I was impressed (but not surprised) that he stayed awake for all of Paddington. It is a cute family friendly movie, in case you're curious.

He also started swim lessons on Saturday. This is the level 2 group and he seems to be doing pretty well. Still a little more adventurous in the water for Mommy's liking, but I'm not getting wet this time. For now, we're not doing gymnastics. It was getting hard for me to do all the running with speech twice a week and then leaving town in the middle of Saturday. Swim lessons are here in Muncie in the morning, so it doesn't cut into the day as much.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Chinese New Year almost

On Sunday, we celebrated Chinese New Year at the Ball State Museum of Art. We had a fun time talking about the year of the goat, red envelopes and lucky money, and then David made a lot of noise with friends! David still holds promise as a drummer! David's friend, Maya, celebrated with us too.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Orange Toothbrush

What happens when you drop your orange toothbrush in a sink drain? Just ask David! He learned that hard way this week that sometimes you should NOT try things to see what happens. I tried to fish it out with needle nose pliers, but it has a short handle and a suction cup on the end, so everything I tried just wouldn't work. So the friend who helped work on the bathroom came over and took apart the drain and the orange toothbrush was back!

Now we're going to the hardware store to get parts to put the stopper back in the sink.
