Monday, August 20, 2018

Holly dog

We learned about three weeks ago that our favorite Holly has cancer. Fortunately it was a very small tumor that we suspect was thyroid cancer. All of her x-rays, liver enzymes, and thyroid tests were normal, so the oncology vet in Carmel is optimistic for a full recovery. She had surgery on Wednesday and is on the mend with instructions for no running, no jumping and no fun for the next two weeks. LOL! She had excellent care and we blew the budget for a puppy. We continue to pray for a full recovery for our sweet girl!

This is a picture before surgery, Our girl lost part of her skirt when they shaved her for the procedure, and we know she would only want people to see her at her best. :-)

First day of second grade

The first day of school was a great day at our house! The school changed the start time, so David is able to ride the bus again, and I get a little free time before heading into work. He looks so grow up!

David also loves making anything out of rubber bands and is learning how to crochet. If your skill set is more than a chain stitch, he's ready to learn!

And he learned how to ride a bike - no training wheels - just before school started.

Summer fun

Our summer consisted of a few day trips and another surgery. We visited King's Island for a day in June with some of our favorite friends that we have known since daycare.

There was surgery too, that ended up with a long recuperation period. Here's our nurse's shoes - we both thought they were the best part!

We also had time to visit the Rhythm Discovery Center in downtown Indianapolis. I think David may be a drummer in the making. He definitely has a natural sense of rhythm and finding the beat.

And we have a new piano to us! I've been watching for a good used piano for David to practice on. This piano was made in New York in 1903 and it's great! It is a testament to the way things used to be manufactured! It's been nice to have music in our house and we've both been playing.

Catching up

We have been crazy busy since our last post! Here's our attempt to catch everyone up on what's new with us!

David finished his first grade year at East Washington Academy. These are two end of the year projects that were on display for their Celebrate Excellence night.

 Here's the red panda diorama. Thank goodness for Amazon and spray adhesive!

This is his drawing from art class.

David wrapped up his first grade year at East Washington Academy. He had a great year!