Monday, March 9, 2015


If you know David and I well, you may know that David and I debate his clothes...often more than I EVER imagined a parent could. I used to question my sister and niece on how a parent could have these discussions with a child so young. Then, I got my medicine - a boy who is very particular about what he will (and won't) wear. We debate sleeve length on a cold day, and shirt collars or not on Sunday mornings. (Thankfully Janelle, the daycare director, came to the rescue on wearing short sleeves on cold days -- Just bring a sweater or fleece to keep at the daycare, so if he has short sleeves and gets too cool, he can just put it on. GENIUS!) The latest challenge is that David picks out the clothes, but then won't wear them. On Saturday, we stopped at the OshKosh outlet and he picked out a shirt with a collar AND A BOW TIE! So I made a deal that he would wear it on Sunday to church and if he did, he could play with finger paints. We both won the deal and David claims he even wants another bow tie to wear, but I don't think I should push my luck. ;-)

"Long noodles mean long life"

David and I decided to eat at P.F. Chang's when we were in Indy on Saturday. He found a new favorite -- lo mein noodles. We just read a book from the library called Orange Peel's Pocket. It's the story of a little girl who was born in China and now lives in America, and her classmates in school want to know more about China. David asked to read the book at least once a day, and we ended up ordering our own copy for home last week. One of the lines in the book is "long noodles mean long life," so I think David was glad to have noodles for supper, just like the girl in the story.

David even figured out how to eat noodles with chopsticks. Several people were watching him eat -- he actually is pretty talented with chopsticks and I was impressed that he figured out how to wrap the noodles around the chopsticks to get them to his mouth. Do I think that David is good with chopsticks because he's Asian? No. David's always had great fine motor skills. I trust the people watching had the same thought. :-)

Spring Break

This year's spring break wasn't much of a break at all! We had the first of two medical procedures scheduled for the week, but that didn't pan out like we had expected. So Momma quickly re-grouped and found an alternate daycare/preschool at our church for four days of the work week, so we had a new routine. Unfortunately I have a limited number of vacation days and am trying to hold on to each one so I have the time to spend with David later when the surgeries are rescheduled. The first day was rough, but we all made it work!

Saturday, we finally had a chance to play! So we made the most of it with a trip to the Indy Children's Museum. David always has a great time there and actually asked to ride the carousel this time! (Normally he does not like to ride, and only does it because I make him!) He told me why he doesn't like it -- it's because he doesn't want to go up and down! (From a kid who acts like he has springs for feet, that's kind of ironic.) We carefully picked out a giraffe to ride, first because it doesn't go up and down, and second because we're big giraffe fans!