Thursday, July 30, 2015

Goodbye Deferred Maintenance and Summer

Being a single parent and working full time, it's often hard to get everything done. Many of you know that I've wanted a new kitchen for several years, but just haven't found the right designer and contractor for the project. So this spring, I decided we needed to work on a few projects outside, so we can enjoy our outdoor space. The good news is the "calico," "multi tone,"  or "staining in process" fence as some have called it is getting ready to be replaced with a new tan vinyl fence -- as you can see in the photo, the fence is literally falling over.
Bless my neighbor Mike who built the support system on the north side. He came home one day after a Muncie monsoon and found the fence leaning severely - to the point the nails had actually pulled out of the posts.

I found a great contractor crew and they've already replaced several rotted boards on two sides of the house.

And I was able to add a new shed to free up some space in the garage. It's actually constructed nicer than the house we live in -- it has "real" soffits, a ridge vent for ventilation, and the contractor wrapped the tall parts so I just need to paint real trim and boards to look like the house. I've still got caulking and painting to do, but I think it already is an improvement!

Somewhere in all of it, David had a great summer. We did not take a summer vacation this year, as all of the vacation time was used for surgeries. But we did go to the Children's Museum a few times.

David started preschool full time in late July. The curriculum begins August 17, and it's packed with days of talking about letters and numbers. Lately he has been asking about the meaning of's all about strategy when you give him an answer too. If you define the word, but include a new word that he doesn't know, look out!

I sewed a preschool tote bag for him out of fabric that's his favorite color. His name is embroidered on the pocket on the inside with lime green thread, and I lined it with leftover Sesame Street fabric from his room valences. Goodbye summer!

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