Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Fast February

It's been a quick month here - we've had much to see and do! Here's the overview:

David was student of the month with the theme of gratitude and caring.

We had the chance to play with a couple of new tech toys. This is Makey-Makey.

 This is the Otobot.

This is the kit to make your own crystal, with the purple color.
 Holly continues to be determined to catch a squirrel. There's one in the maple tree in the backyard.

David lost his first tooth! Inflation hit the tooth fairy. 

 We had a sleepover with cousin Katie.
 And we squeezed in a trip to the Children's Museum.

This is David's school project to build a house that the Big Bad Wolf couldn't blow down. There's a test later with a fan to see whose house is the strongest. This is a "pigloo" - David wasn't sure about an igloo, but when you have a bunch of modeling clay and it needs to be strong, it sounded great to Mom! We'll keep you posted on the test results. :-)

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